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<p>It introduces a new look to 3CX MyPhone and allows users to see the presence of, and interact with, users on bridged PBXs. This allows users to see the presence and status of others, join queues, and take advantage of Unified Communications, such as instant messaging, from anywhere with an internet connection. By connecting these apps with 3CX Phone System 11, users can take their extension with them anywhere. Integration between 3CX Phone System 11 and 3CXPhone for Android has been vastly improved, as has auto-provisioning, making it a great solution for Tele-Workers and sales people who are on the go. Users can now see the presence of colleagues on bridged PBXs with 3CX MyPhone. Each PBX appears 3cx phone system v11 crack a tab in a single instance of 3CX MyPhone and users can switch between them to easily chat and interact with their coworkers on the secondary PBX. Users can schedule conference calls and email invitations with an. Invitees on the same PBX will automatically be called on their extension at the scheduled time and connected to the conference, making the setup and management of a conference a breeze. Additionally, the host can monitor the complete progress of the conference, seeing when participants enter or leave. With 3CX Phone System 11, the 3CX Call Center Module now 3cx phone system v11 crack the user when a call has been in a queue for too long, allowing a free 3cx phone system v11 crack to prioritize and quickly deal with it. Should a 3cx phone system v11 crack be abandoned, 3CX MyPhone will keep a record of it so that agents can call the person back and then remove those calls from the list, therefore improving customer service levels and staff efficiency. Users of the 3CX Call Center Module together with 3CX Phone System 11 can also take advantage of priority queues — any call to a priority queue gets fast-tracked to the top of the pile. You can also configure a maximum number of callers in a queue and even assign a queue extension to a mobile phone for roaming agents. Additionally, a caller now has the option to opt out of being recorded.</p>

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